Raising Spirits Tutoring

Math is a journey, let's take your path!


CLICK HERE to see our Fall 2022 courses!

Welcome! Raising Spirits Tutoring strives to meet each individual student where they are in the study of mathematics. Virtual services include small group courses, private courses, and private tutoring. Whether you are attending a public school, a private school, are homeschooled or are an adult needing a refresher, Raising Spirits Tutoring is here to help you reach your goals!

Small Group Courses

  • Virtual face-to-face instruction

  • Only 1-4 students in a class

  • Only meets 1-3 days a week to offer flexibility and time for other studies and activities

  • Daily 60-90 minunte lessons include discussion of material, practice problems, and assigning of independent practice.

  • Progress will be measured by daily assignments, quizzes (1 topic), and unit tests (multiple topics)

  • Students will recieve a numerical grade at the end of each sememster.

  • Open communication with parents to discuss progress

Click here to see current course offerings

Private Courses

  • Virtual face-to-face instruction

  • Individualized Instruction (never more than 1 student)

  • Freedom to choose a schedule that is flexible for you and your family

  • Daily lessons include discussion of material, practice problems, and assigning of independent practice.

  • Progress will be measured by daily assignments, quizzes (1 topic), and unit tests (multiple topics)

  • Students will recieve a numerical grade at the end of each sememster.

  • Open communication with parents to discuss curriculum selection and progress

Click here to see current course offerings

Private Tutoring

  • Virtual face-to-face instruction

  • Individualized Instruction

  • Freedom to choose a schedule that is flexible for you and your family

  • Freedom to choose what material you want to work on

  • Collaborative efforts will be made with current educator to best meet the needs of the student.

  • Open communication with parents to discuss progress

Click here for more info