
Dear Reader,

After many years of teaching in public school classrooms, I became disenchanted with the level of education I was able to provide my students. I was confined by time and lack of freedom to select curriculum. I witnessed students simply needing more time with material, as well as students bored and frustrated because they wanted to move faster. I spent countless mornings before school, time after school, and even my lunch breaks helping students to reach their individual goals. I knew there had to be a better way. I wanted to give them more! It was with this passion to reach kids at their own place and in their own time that gave birth to Raising Spirits Tutoring. So, in 2016, I made a choice to leave the classroom so that I could teach students math at their pace. Throughout the years, I have taught all ages ranging from 6 to 40+. I hold a B.S. degree in education with a specialization in mathematics, as well as a lifetime teaching certificate from the state of Texas. Whether you are looking to brush up on some skills, take a brand new class, or accelerate your learning because you just love math, know that you have found someone that wants nothing more than for you to gain confidence and reach your full potential.


Julie Pimm

Founder of Raising Spirits Tutoring