
"When my daughter was in 5th grade, she was not strong in math. She struggled with believing in her capabilities. Julie gave my daughter constant positive reinforcement, one on one attention, and her confidence soared! 5 years later, Julie remains one of her favorite teachers, and credits her with the skills needed to be taking dual credit courses this Fall."


(mother of an 11th grade student)

"Julie has always done excellent work tutoring our family. We have used her throughout elementary school, middle school, and high school. Whether it is getting us ready for an important math test, going over hard to understand math materials of the week, or getting ready for the SAT, she was always there ready to help. Our daughter was so prepared for the math section of the SAT! Thanks to Mrs. Pimm, she met her score goal the first time and did not have to take it again as planned. This freed her up to train for other things needed and saved us a lot of time and money.

Aside from being a really good teacher and knowing the work so well, Mrs. Pimm made it fun. My daughter would always look forward to working with her. My daughter used to hate math. She does not hate it anymore. In fact, her confidence in math is so much higher now and she has consitently earned A's in her math class."


Father of a 12th grade student

"We found Ms. Pimm when my daughter started 5th grade. She had not passed the STAAR test for math in fourth grade. She had missed something along the way. Ms. Pimm helped identify the areas missed and with her amazing patience and understanding, helped to figure out the best ways for Emily to learn. Not only did Emily pass the STAAR test, she gained confidence for middle school. Ms. Pimm continues to tutor Emily and my son every week. Teachers are often amazed with the progress she makes between the pre-assessment and the final test. She is now in 8th grade and in NJHS with straight A’s in math. Emily just needed that added tutoring to solidify concepts with Ms. Pimm.

I continue to be amazed how Ms. Pimm transitions between kids. My son just finished 5th grade and learns completely differently than my daughter. She has identified areas for him to focus on because he has some gaps due to this crazy COVID year. It is often hard to understand if he needs help because he does not like to show his work. We love Ms. Pimm! "


Mother of a 5th and 8th grade student

"Julie's goal is to reach your child's needs by understanding their thought process and analysis, which takes a special talent and desire. Julie Pimm has both. She has a pragmatic approach that has no judgement of where your child should be and is highly motivated to focus solely on growth in your child's learning. I have seen this firsthand and it is a joy to see the excitement in your child's face and confidence in their step when they accomplish big or small goals with her at their side"


Mother of a 2nd grade student

"Julie has been tutoring our daughter in math for two years. Our daughter went from struggling in math class and dreading homework to now actively participating and answering questions in class. She is now working ahead of her peers. The transformation in her work and self-confidence in math has been remarkable. Standardized tests are never anyone's favorite, but instead of having anxiety over the test, she approaches the test positively and knows that she can attempt to figure out a problem even if she does not immediately know the answer. Julie also takes a personal interest in our daughter and is relatable to her as another great adult role model. Our daughter looks to her for advice on high school classes and potential colleges. Julie also attended a football game to see our daughter perform which meant the world to our family. Julie has helped our daughter in immeasurable ways beyond just tutoring her in math. We would highly recommend her to any students."


Mother of a 10th grade student

"We absolutely love Ms. Julie! We have gone to her for 3 years now and there has been an all around improvement in my daughter. On an academic level my daughter has progressed so much. The biggest thing for me though is how my daughter's confidence level has gone way up. She is so much happier and less stressed. She worked with Ms. Julie religiously once a week the first year. Now, she actually feels way more confident in trying to do the work herself and asking her teacher questions as well. But, she knows where to go when she gets stuck. It is a big stress reliever for me as well to be able to get the help my daughter needs."


Mother of an 8th grade student

"I have been working with Ms. Julie for about 2 years and I have noticed a big improvement in the way I view math. She has helped me understand my classwork and homework, as well as be more confident in the way I view my academic abilities."


9th grade student

"I like how Ms. Julie gives me new ways to learn things. Especially if I do not understand the material that was given in class. I also really like her because she has a fun positive energy and I feel comfortable working with her."


8th grade student

"Julie took careful measures in helping me grasp concepts in math. I was required to take a test for employment and it had been a long time since I had taken a math class. I had already taken the test several times and had been unsuccessful at passing. Julie's principal recommended her tutoring services to me. We spent several months each week working on math skills to help me prepare to retake the test. I liked that she would teach me a skill and end with a small quiz to check my understanding. Julie is quick to recognize if I was not grasping it, she would try other strategies until she found what worked. She always made me feel so comfortable with her bubbly personality and all her knowledge. I ended up passing the exam!!!!!"


Adult student